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  • My Knees Hurt! Fix it!

    Traditional treatments for knee pain have often been NSAIDs or surgery. NSAIDs reduce inflammation, therefore reducing pain. Unfortunately, inflammation is our body’s natural method of healing. Millions of tiny cells rush to the injury to perform their individual role in the healing process. So, when inflammation stops, healing stops also. Surgery is often not necessary. 86% of musculoskeletal injuries can be effectively treated without surgery. Discover your options.

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  • What is that crunchy sound? Is it serious? How do I fix it?

    Healthy function of joints is controlled by “chondrocytes,” mesenchymal stem cells that regulate replacement of damaged cells. When the balance between the supply of new cells is adequate to maintain healthy function, the body is in homeostasis. However, imbalance in this function leads to degeneration of tissue, such as osteoarthritis.

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  • Muscles... how do they work and how can we make them work better?

    Every time you move, your muscles contract and relax. This process only takes a few seconds, but it is actually a quite complex process.

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  • PRP and Arthritis

    As we age, chronic injuries, along with normal wear and tear on our joints, often lead to arthritis. The smooth articular cartilage between the joints that cushions and protects begins to wear down, causing bones to rub against each other. Bone spurs often develop. The resulting friction leads to pain and swelling. This chronic inflammation results in arthritis and further degeneration of tissue.

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  • Musculoskeletal Healing

    Renaissance means rebirth or regeneration. Every few generations medicine takes a major turn. We’re at one of those junctures now with regenerative medicine — where healing is triggered from within the human body. It’s bringing a whole new universe to how physicians provide care.

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